Bride: Cody + Marllie

Love Unexpected
-Liesel Schmidt
When Marllie Harrison and Cody Addison met in October of 2017 through mutual friends, the two had an obvious spark, and it didn’t take long before the two were dating—and then unexpectedly gifted with a baby. But as quickly as their relationship became serious, they took their time building a solid foundation of love that would last. Then one day, three years later, Cody did something else unexpected. “I thought I was going to a family photoshoot with my mom, Cody and our daughter, and the photographer told me she always made couples do this crazy thing to get a good shot, so I went along with it,” recalls Marllie, who works as a nurse for Weiler Plastic Surgery, while Cody is an operator at Exxon Mobil chemical plant. “She gave Cody and I each a chalkboard and put our backs facing each other and told us to write one word that described the other person. On the count of three, we would turn around to see what was written on the other’s board. When I turned around, Cody was on one knee! I never saw it coming because he always expressed to me how long it would be until we got married! Of course, the tears started rolling!”