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SuperMom | Cristin Hand

SuperMom | Cristin Hand

SuperMom: Cristin Hand

-Liesel Schmidt

“Challenging and rewarding.”

Two words that could easily be ascribed to Cristin Hand’s work as the director of business development for Bienville Capital Group—but more so to her role as a working mother of two. In a typical work day, she handles client deliverables, events, marketing, and various campaigns; but there is no start or end to the hours she puts in with her boys, raising them to be good men with her husband Jason. “There are days that I feel spread pretty thin, but I push through; and with that comes a feeling of accomplishment,” she says. “I don’t know that there is ever a way to ‘have it all’ as a working parent.  There are tradeoffs along the way, but with planning and persistence, I have found a healthy balance.”

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Balance is both critical to a healthy home and work life as well as an important example to set for children to see—as is dedication. “I think it’s healthy for kids to see their parents work toward a goal, whatever that may be,” Hand asserts. “If you asked my kids what I do, they would say, ‘She helps people save money for retirement.’ My hope is that I can model a good work ethic and instill healthy financial habits.

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