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Community Leader: CEO Joan Coffman

Community Leader: CEO Joan Coffman

CEO Joan Coffman

For St. Tammany Health System President and CEO Joan Coffman, community comes first.

All birthdays are worth celebrating, of course, but St. Tammany Health System had more reason than usual to kick up its heels this past December 1st. That date marked 70 years to the day that the health system’s flagship St. Tammany Parish Hospital first opened its doors in Covington, thanks to the tireless efforts of a legion of civic-minded community members who worked for years to get it built.

A lot has changed at the hospital since then, but according to STHS President and CEO Joan Coffman, one vital element has not: the unique bond between the health system and the community that founded it. She remembers that bond from her first stint with the health system, as an X-ray tech in the early 1980s.

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