WE Social | Margaret S. Burns, Esq.

As an attorney with her own thriving personal injury practice, Margaret Burns has broken through some stereotypes in her career. “Personal injury is 100 percent a male-dominated arena, so branching out on my own, being the boss, and running a business was both exhilarating and daunting,” she says. “You have to be assertive, tenacious, diplomatic, and twelve steps ahead of the game at all times. I feel like a warrior, and I am very proud of myself.”
No matter the case, Burns fights the good fight for her clients. “Every day, people come to me to fight for them,” she says. “The fact that they come to me, instead of anyone else, is an enormous compliment and honor.”
The daughter of an ambitious woman, Burns is deeply inspired by her mother. “My mom put herself through law school while raising three babies on her own,” Burns says. “She’s a fighter. That’s where I get it from.”
With age has come wisdom, and there are things that Burns wishes she’d known as a younger woman. “I wish I’d known not to go through life trying to avoid pain, suffering, and heartache,” she says. “Those experiences and memories will be your most valuable prizes later in life when you are able to sit with another person who is in pain, whether physical or emotional, and have a true connection because you’ve experienced it, too.”