Ten Ways for Women to Stay Healthy
by Jen Meadows
October 11, 2020

October means All About Women! Read up on these tips from our October 2020 Issue!
- Maintain a moderate and regular diet plan – eating till you fill your stomach fully is a cause of major abdominal hazards. It is advised by the health experts to eat frequent meals and do not indulge in eating too much at a go. A diet should consist of every essential nutrients including fats (in limited amounts) too.
- Do exercise in a consistent manner– lifting heavyweight instruments is instructed only when you are capable of doing so. Normal free hand exercises and doing lightweight gym is enough to attain fitness goals.
- Sleep well – sleeping disorders can lead to major health risks, more so when you sleep on your stomach. A good amount of sleep is also necessary to remain fit and healthy.
- Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol or tobacco- if, at all you cannot avoid the consumption of these things completely, it is advised to consume them in lesser quantity. Excessive intake of anything leads to an unhealthy approach; same is the case with alcohol and tobacco.
- Wear a Seat Belt or Helmet – Buckle up whenever you’re in a motor vehicle. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration estimates seat belt use saved 75,000 lives between 2004 and 2008. If you ride a motorcycle or bicycle, wear a helmet. The NHTSA reports that helmets saved the lives of 1,829 motorcyclists in 2008. Wear a helmet when you skate, ride an ATV, ski or snowboard, too.
- Take care of your emotional self- it’s not at all a worrying factor if you are an emotional snob. It only means that you are capable of reciprocating your thought process well. So you should never suppress your feelings as it may lead to chronic depression and that in turn may not allow you focus on a healthier life.
- Keep stress and tension at bay- The worries and tensions of life cannot completely forego a normal human being under any circumstances. You should always meditate and do yoga to maintain the calmness of the mind and soul. We cannot live our life without stress but deal with it through a positive attitude can surely help us in overcoming the situation well.
- Build stronger relationships- in the midst of attaining greater heights in life, we often forget that there are some people in our lives whose presence matters. We take them for granted and sometimes bear the agony of losing them too. This hurts us a lot and has a direct impact on our health. So, people should build the relationships stronger for the sake of remaining healthy.
- Keep a separate work and private life- all the workaholics suffer some kind of stress at work which they have to deal with on a regular basis. Though this is quite a normal issue, the problem begins when people try to mix the work life with their personal lives. This situation can create tension between the family members which will ultimately lead to a negative impact on your health.
- Maintain proper timings in every case- whatever you do in your life- from eating to sleeping to hitting the gym also, maintaining a proper timing and regularity is always recommended. Even if you do all the things right but on a haphazard schedule, then the effect it creates on your health shows up in years to come, if not promptly.