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WE Social | Connie and Angel Thomas

WE Social | Connie and Angel Thomas

After buying her husband out of the business, Connie Thomas made a name for herself in the mobile home industry and took her company, Victory Home Center, to great success as one of the nation’s largest single-lot factory-built housing retailers. As a woman in a male-dominated industry, Thomas takes a great deal of pride in her accomplishments. “I’m incredibly proud that I did it,” she says. “I took the risk of losing everything and made it to the top as the only single woman owner of a mobile home retail dealership in the state of Louisiana.”

Naturally, Thomas is inspired by other strong females who have overcome a great deal of adversity and stood toe-to-toe with naysayers. “Penny Chenery, owner of the 1973 Triple Crown winner Secretariat, was told she had picked the wrong horse,” Thomas notes. “They all were against her, but she knew what she knew. She did it her way. I find that so encouraging, and that is what I’m trying to do in my own life.”

As difficult as the industry can be at times, Thomas is still passionate about her work. “I put people in new homes. It’s very inspiring,” she says.

To her younger self, Thomas would offer these words of wisdom: “Absolutely be willing to be okay with it, if it does not work out or if you do not succeed. That’s not failure! Failure is not going for it! You must be willing to do whatever it takes, with the best attitude. Be patient. Do what no one else is doing. Be different and stand out. And always be humble and kind.”

Angel says:

My mother inspires me in many ways, but the biggest way is her drive, determination and how big her heart is. No matter the situation I know I can count on her for anything. She is such a blessing to others without even realizing sometimes. She has overcome some tough obstacles that have only made her stronger and done it with grace and given all her glory to God. She is a “what you see Is what you get” type of person and has taught me being honest is most important. She has always shown me no dream is too big and with hard work anything can be accomplished.

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Growing up I saw my mother’s strength as nurturing and caring she has been my best friend through everything and always will be. She has shown me what it means to be a confident woman and to never let me see myself otherwise. I aspire to be half the mother she has been to me!

The legacy I would like to leave my children with would be to give everything your all no matter what and to always be humble. Those two things are something my parents have instilled in me my whole life. I hope to demonstrate unconditional love and good character through raising my children.

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