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WE Social | Olivia Gioe, M.D.

WE Social | Olivia Gioe, M.D.

After the challenges of four years of medical school, one year in internal medicine, and three years of residency in dermatology, the culmination of all her hard work came with the news that Dr. Olivia Gioe passed the board exam. Now, she is also a member of the Regional Networking Committee of Women’s Dermatologic Society, a national organization that provides mentorship and assists dermatologists in contributing to their specialty and their communities.

Inspired by her patients as well as her staff, Dr. Gioe continues to grow as a physician, even with her years of experience. “They keep me motivated to continue to better myself and keep learning,” she says. “Dermatology itself also inspires me because it is a visual field, which was one of the reasons I chose this specialty. I love the fact that patients can actually see progress and change when a rash or skin cancer gets treated.” 

Looking back, there are some things she wishes she had known when she was younger. “I would advise my younger self to worry less and enjoy the journey,” she says. “As my dad always says, ‘You are having fun, you just don’t know it yet.’ In hindsight, he is absolutely right. Even though my medical training was stressful, it was still tons of fun and full of positive memories.”

As a member of the NorthShore community, she loves the family feel it offers. “It’s incredibly welcoming,” she says. “It makes me feel like part of a family.”

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