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Bride | Ashley + David

Bride | Ashley + David

Ashley + David

-Liesel Schmidt

While Ashley Barocco and David Colomb grew up in the same city and both attended LSU at the same time, it took a “tuna-four-ways” dinner at his brother and sister-in-law’s house for the two to finally meet. Months of 6:00 am sessions at David’s yoga class later, Ashley and David had begun talking and became almost inseparable.

Three years later, the early morning yoga class tradition had continued—and one very special morning in April of 2023, the flow of their relationship led to a very different kind of pose. “I woke up at 5:00 am on Good Friday and got dressed for yoga class with David, and once class was over, we headed home,” Ashley recalls. “I decided that it would be a great time to take the electronic coin counter out of the backseat of my car to finally count all the coins that I’s been saving. Unbeknownst to me, David was waiting patiently for the coins to stop dropping to come upstairs to propose. As soon as he heard the machine turn off, he came running upstairs only to hear the bathroom door shut and the water turn on to begin a leisurely 20-minute soak. 

“After I was done with my bath,” she goes on, “we started watching leaders tee off at the Masters, and I kept expecting him to go off to get ready for work. He started saying the sweetest things to me, and I looked at him and told him thank you, kissed him, and turned back to the TV. He did this a few more times, and then, out of nowhere, he jumped across me with the biggest smile on his face and got on one knee at the side of the bed. I really wasn’t paying attention at this point, but then he grabbed my hand and started going through a timeline of our relationship, the good, the bad, and everything in between. When I saw the ring box, I started to cry.”

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The tears flowed again on August 5, 2023, when Ashley wore a strapless lace overlay gown with a sweetheart neckline and custom-made tulle shrug as she walked down the aisle at Beau Chene Country Club in Mandeville to meet David at the altar. Surrounded by their four attendants and closest family and friends, the couple exchanged vows and were pronounced married by their friend, Blaine, who had been at their very first meeting. 

Newly united in marriage, the Colombs joined their guests in the ballroom at Beau Chene, where they celebrated in style with an array of delicious food from Beau Chene’s Chef Hosey, hours of dancing, and a huge donut cake topped by a white wedding cake with lemon filling, along with a chocolate cake with raspberry filling—combining the pastry skills of Haydel’s Bakery in New Orleans and Mary Lee’s in Mandeville. 

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