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PYSK | Kathy LeBlanc

PYSK | Kathy LeBlanc

Kathy LeBlanc, President of Cedarwood School founded one of the most successful and prestigious private schools in the region, and it became the first nationally accredited preschool in Mandeville, Louisiana in just the third year of its opening. 

“I believe education is the platform for building a positive and successful future.  It provides us all with “A Foundation for Life,” explains Kathy. “I have seen thousands of children, their extended family, friends, and neighbors who have been influenced by the contributions made by 38 years of Cedarwood School’s committed and talented educators. Former students drop in from across the community, the country, and the world to visit what they say is the school that had the most profound impact on their lives.”

“I’ve always had a passion for teaching and learning,” shares Kathy. “After teaching special education in Orleans Parish, I was the director of two separate schools for children with learning disabilities in New Orleans and then became an educational consultant for the Archdiocese of New Orleans. This position gave me insight into many eclectic types of schools and leadership styles which became an invaluable springboard for my work at Cedarwood School.”

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